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9782368902608 BABINET / ORSENNA Big data, penser l'homme et le monde autrement PASSEUR (LE)
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9782951253544 LEVACHER [DIR] Bio 3 : biotechnologies, bioproduction, biomédicaments GROUPE IMT
9782710700159 LOWEN / FRUCTUS [TRAD] Bio-énergie (La) TCHOU (EDITIONS)
9789290671329 ELAD Biocontrol agents : mode of action and interaction with other means of control : proceedings of the Sixth WG Meeting at Sevilla, Spain November 30-December 3, 2000 IOBC - INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION FOR BIOLOGICAL AND INTEGRATED CONTROL OF NOXIOUS ANIMALS ANS PLANTS
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9782855984452 CHAOUAT Biologie cellulaire et moléculaire de la relation materno-foetale INSERM - INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE